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Posts on diuretic

My mom has congestive heart failure, pulmonary hypertension and Diabetes. She's been on diu...
I am an asthmatic and had a flare this weekend, when I was not able to keep my blood oxygen...
I was taking the diuretic, triamterene, for about 4 months this year because my ENT thinks ...
Anyone else have ascites (fluid build-up) in the stomach due to SIRTS, an enlarged spleen a...
Hello, What could happen if a TIPS procedure recipient is not administered a diuretic th...
My husband, who is only 26 years old, has been diagnosed with congestive heart failure abou...
Hello, I may have a heart condition with symptoms that are described on the WebMd site, ...
I didn't read your responses until Monday morning. I made it until today, and went to dr. H...
I contracted a very bad virus approximately 3 wks ago. Though most of the symptoms have su...
a "new" problem...well the cardiologist report is that I have mitral valve insufficiency......