
Parathyroid biopsy

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on Parathyroid biopsy

I have a complex mass getting on my left thyroid getting biopsy Tuesday.. my most recent B...
Right before I became pregnant, my endocronologist (I've been diagnosed with Hashimotos and...
This past year I have had slight anemia, low vitamin D, and slightly high calcium fluctuat...
Two Days ago, FNA after incidental finding of a nodule. Additionally, I have an enlarged Ly...
Some of you know I had a US scan a while back - actually Two of them. I'd like to know what...
My Endo wants me to have a scan done on my neck, an ultrsound. Is this the common scan to g...
Now my c alcium is high and need scan for parathyroid adeoma they all seem connected to me...
I recently had a sonogram that showed I have one small solid thyroid nodule on each thyroid...
So I have had tons of blood work done and urine test and nuclear scans and CT scans. Its n...
I am nervous! What can I expect? He said last month I was not hypo or hyper but a 3rd categ...