
Radioactive iodine uptake

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on Radioactive iodine uptake

4/15/08--onset of symptoms begins; developed a lump in throat within 2 wks 5/8/08 TSH: ...
Hi, I'm new to this forum. I started having symptoms of hyperthyroidism in late marc...
It's been 5 years, and I'm finally making progress on my thyroid journey. I have a thyroid...
i just wanted to much does the radioactive iodine treatment cost?
I am scheudled to have a radioactive thryoid uptake test. I question why I was having it. I...
Just to double check...Is Radioactive treatment RAI and RAIU(uptake) two different things? ...
I have been on carbimazole for 5 years now due to having an overactive thyroid, I feel grea...
Hi Doctor, My T4 is 0.0007 and my T3 is 18.7 and by blood pressure is 110/70.I dont hav ...
I had a scan done today, and they said my uptake was 23.2...that's high I know based on the...
I had the radioactive iodine to destroy my thyroid 4 yrs ago. I am now getting swelling, pa...
I am very confused right now :( My ultrasound states that tissue diagnosis is suggested. I ...
Could you give me your opinion on this Pathology/ultra rpt of a FNA on a 4+ cm thyroid nodu...