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Journals about Schizophrenia

14894680 tn?1437181679

by Jah1958, Jul 17, 2015
Why This? I ask. What made me reach out to this website and start writting a journal. "...
11955483 tn?1422393265

by TroyLeeP, Feb 24, 2015
Sorry I have been inactive I've just been incredibly busy with work and haven't eve...
11955483 tn?1422393265
I don't know what is wrong with me, I'm low but I'm okay. It's loud but I&#...
8344238 tn?1397703762
Why my journal is entitled what it is, is because off days truly are like a mirror where yo...
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Ok so my friend is possibly schizophrenic He can hear voices and see shadows but now all of...
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I took lexapro and it gave me schizoaffective disorder, a severe case. This is bipolar + s...
4900291 tn?1360724441

by tboroff, Feb 11, 2013
Dream was about an ex then being trapped inside a wall and peoples faces being ripped off/...
675718 tn?1530033033

by drifter0213, Dec 13, 2012 - 3 Comments
hey scotty, you made it through being a patient at a psyc. ward. impressive and now you wil...
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ive seeing stuff and hearing stuff ever since i was like 8yrs old. ive asked my mom about i...
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i went to visit my granny because i havent seen here in awhile because she sick and cant wa...