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Is this the key to healing?

Skin gas tests were conducted for people who suffered from patm in Japan.

Please translate and refer to the following URL.


People who suffer from PATM seem to emit several times more of the following as skin gas than ordinary people.

Ammonia, Acetaldehyde, Diacetyl, toluene, Formic acid, benzene

These are abundant in tobacco and alcohol, but those who test don't smoke and drink.

I want to find a PATM cure.
I want to hear your opinion. There may be a solution here from here.

My English is very bad. thank you for reading.
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I think "smell" occurs in various ways, and each person's solution is different.

However, except for TMAU etc., I think that the one based on this paper is the cause of our smell.
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There was a paper on this recently, now if somebody would figure out what can be done about it.

My guess is bad gut bacteria that generate the chemicals and that is the reason some find success by adjusting their diet and using probiotics.

Why it does not work consistently, no clue
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