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Two Sessile Serrated Polyps at Age 38

I recently had a colonoscopy to determine the source of minor bleeding. The source was minor internal hemorrhoids. But as a side finding the doctor found two (6mm and 7mm) sessile serrated polyps in my transverse colon. I am terrified. Does this put at super high risk of colon cancer since I am so young and there were two? She said I should come back in 3 years for another colonoscopy, but I am concerned that I should come back sooner. My paternal grandmother had colon cancer in her 70s and had some of her colon removed and then lived to 86. All of my aunts and uncles and dad are very good about colonoscopies and no one has had cancer. My mom had small (less than 5mm) sessile serrated polyps at her colonoscopies since she was 50. She is 72 now and has always been on the 5 year schedule. I am just feeling so terrified, like I have this black cloud of cancer hanging over my head. How bad is this? I of course will follow up at any recommended schedule so I am not looking to avoid any screening I am just wondering if anyone has experienced this and had not developed full blown colon cancer. As for lynch syndrome it seems unlikely. The only cancer on my dad's side was my grandmother and her colon cancer (there are five living children of grandma no cancer) and the only cancer that I can think of on my mom's side is my great grandmother had breast cancer in her 70s.
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1806721 tn?1554333407
I was diagnosed with colorectal cancer at age 35. At the time I had half dozen precancerous polyps resected as well.  I have no family history of colorectal cancer.  I'm almost pass the 5 years DFS anniversary.  I'm on 3 year colonoscopy recall now.  I also have precancerous lesions in my stomach that my doctor and I both know are developing into gastric cancer (but we are also confident that with close surveillance we will catch it before it becomes cancerous).  I live my life same as everyone else - full time working attorney mom of three children age 2.5 to 15.  How to live life is a matter of your choice - you can live in worries about future or you can live in the moment and enjoy.  Cancer taught me to stick to the latter...  Good luck!
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