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Breathing difficulty

12 years ago I was having difficulty breathing and asthma was ruled out. Eventually it just stopped. Now I'm having similar symptoms. I feel like I can't get a deep breath, but if I try ago 5 seconds later I can get a deep breath.  I've read that reflux can mimick asthma. Also that postnasal drip can cause these symptoms. Have you ever heard of this? I also discovered a condition called Vocal cord dysfunction.  Any thoughts?
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242588 tn?1224271700
Vocal cord dysfunction is a real possibility, especially if you have difficulty with inhaling.  Reflux is indeed associated with both cough and asthma.  Another cause could be anxiety, perhaps with a panic disorder.  You and your doctor should consider investigation all of the preceding.
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It sounds like a panic attack!
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323484 tn?1194218011
I've been smoking for 4 years but it feels like ive been smoking for 20. Im only 18 and i have breathing problems, i think i might have empeseyma or something but im not sure, when i go to sleep it takes a long time to fall asleep because of my breathing. I need advice.
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