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red bumps

Hello Doctor

I am getting some random red bumps on my legs and arms mainly. I feel itching at random time- even the begining of these spots is also random - I have noticed some in morning, some in office. I have checked for bed bugs etc. but have not seen anything so far.

The only thing in recent past I changed, is the apartment. This room does not face sun and was dusty in the beginning- but I have cleaned it. I have not seen any insects so far. I am in College Station, TX- so weather is humid and hot. I  have sensitive skin - mosquitoes and ants' bites also give me similar problem. I avoid to go to any insect places like - grass etc.

I am having this trouble from last 4 weeks and have taken this medicine till now after the consultation with the doctor:
1. Triamcinolone acetonide (creame )
2. Fexofenadine (180 mg)
3. Azithromycin 6 PAK (250 mg) (I thought I have got some big disease like Herpes zest etc. - what I got last year)

but have not got any success to end this disease or whatever. after 2-3 cool day I keep noticing the occurence of 2-3 spots again. Rest everything is normal- body temperature etc.  

does any unseen thing in air or something can cause this problem??
4 Responses
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You know I started breaking out with red bumps on my arms and then my face.  Went to my IM doc and found out that I all of a sudden I was allergic to peanuts, wheat, shrimp, along with many enviornmental allergies.  
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Can it be dustmite?
After thorogh vaccum cleaning - I am noticing bites on regular basis.
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does anyone have any idea- what it can be?
I got 2 on head under hair, one on my face- have stopped sleeping on my bed.
And feeling them any time- in office, in morning.

Can it be something in dust?
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242588 tn?1224271700
That this problem occurred, coincident with a change of your apartment, suggests cause and effect.  The most likely cause would be insect bites, "bedbugs", often too small to see with the naked eye.  Your history of similar reaction to mosquitoes and ants reinforces this suspicion.  You should try sleeping in a different place, with no transfer of items such as bedding, pajamas and underwear that might contain the insects.

Fexofenadine is a good anti-histamine and should help, but only if you are separated from the cause.
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