1642731 tn?1300839984

Vitamin C Allergy??

Hi, I've been having this trouble for over a year now!
I absolutely love citrus fruits like lemons, oranges, and grapefruit. But last year when I drank some orange juice, after I had a bad head cold, I could taste the flavor of what I thought was just the orange in the back of my throat still up near my nose. I told my wonderful mom and she said it was just nasal drip so I continued to eat and drink those lovely citrus fruits. After about a month I realized it didn't go away still that the taste was still there. I had a Halls Vitamin C drop and after that I realized it wasn't the orange I tasted or the grape fruit or anything it was the Vitamin C itself. I told my dad and he said it might be allergies so I decided to ignore it and eat the fruits anyway. Year later its still there and it's SUPER annoying! What can I do to fix it?
3 Responses
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1642731 tn?1300839984
its even WORSE with artificial orange flavorings!
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, this feeling of strange sensations in the throat is known as Globus sensation. This is mainly seen in gastro esophageal reflex disease or hyperplastic tonsil. The other possibilities are abnormal upper esophageal sphincter function, stress or psychological abnormality causes this sensation due to altered upper esophageal pressure.  Vitamin C allergy seems to be unlikely.

You may need to undergo endoscopic evaluation which will help to diagnose acid-reflux disease and as well as esophageal pathology.

Post nasal drip can be due to sinusitis. Do not worry, it is a self limiting condition and will recover in a week. Nasal decongestants and anti inflammatory against prescription will help. I suggest you to consult ENT specialist. Take acre and regards.
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1642731 tn?1300839984
Sorry this is late, but thank you doctor! I would've replied early, but school has got me tied up. Thank you again and I'll be sure to tell my mom and dad.
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