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Unusual reactions to insect bites?

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I am a female in my fifties and have never had a reaction to any insect bites in the past except for a few hours of itching.  Recently in the past 4 weeks, something is biting? me. First my left ear lobe and this became three times its size. I had itching with this. That went away and then the upper left arm must of gotten bit and swelled to the size of a tennis ball. I could see some little marks where the bugger attacked me.  The swelling went down in 6 days and three days after that, the right upper under arm got attacked and this swelling lasted 4 days.  I had 5 days of relief until yesterday and whamo, I got it again on the left side of my neck.  There is a lot of swelling and itching under my chin and gland area. There is a small knot where I assume the bite occured.

Question: Have you ever heard of older folks now getting reactions to various insect bites when they never had this in the past?  I have no idea what is biting me. I am home most of the time or on my patio. Each occurance I rub Benydryl on the swollon area. The size of the lesion is most concerning and why so many in such a short period.  Could I have a blood disorder that causes this?  Thanks for your time, doctor.
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I am also in my fifties and share the same experience of something biting me on several places around my elbow and upper arm. my arm is red and swollen and itches like crazy I dont know if I should be concern, I am keeping an eye on it and using peroxide for the itching.  I would like to know of the Doctor's advice.  .  
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, insect bites are one of the most common causes of the local reactions. The difficult part of it is we fail to recognize the insect and subsequent reaction to the bites can be severe. The insects which are known to cause such severe reactions or systemic reactions are Triatoma (kissing bugs), followed by black flies, deerflies, and horseflies.

Such reactions are seen due to Inflammation which is caused by irritant substances concentrated in insect saliva. When this saliva is injected body recognizes it as foreign body and reacts. If you get exposed to such bites again, as body has already recognized it and it reacts more to give even more severe reactions.

Reduction of local edema may be induced with cooling (ice or cold pack). Topical lotions such as calamine decreases pain and itching. Topical anesthetic and antihistamine preparations should be avoided because they can sensitize the skin following sun exposure and induce allergic contact sensitivity.

You also need to take oral antihistamines and corticosteroids for severe reactions.

I suggest you to consult allergy specialist. Take care and regards.

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