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Specs of Blood in Phlegm


I am currenty 21 weeks pregnant and for the past 4.5 months when I clear my throat or cough something up, there are small specs of brown stuff and specs of blood in it.  I went to 2 different doctors when this started and both said allergies.  One Dr did a chest x-ray and said it was clear.  I am just concerned because it is still going on 4 months later. Its never alot, but I dont see how blood in phlegm can be normal.  Sometimes at night I find it hard to breathe and it feels like it is coming from the center of my chest being "tighter". Just wanting another opinon on what it could be.  Thank You!
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Hi, there are many causes for blood in sputum like tuberculosis, heart disease, lung cancer, bronchitis etc. Your X ray is normal which rules out tuberculosis but do you have fever or some other symptoms like cough etc. Sometimes, prolonged cough leads to breach of mucous membrane of lung tract giving rise to blood in sputum, it is self limiting condition.

Please get ECHO heart done to rule out mitral disease etc. Also, sputum routine microscopy and culture should be undertaken. Consult the doctor for evaluation.
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tv burps son get on it
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