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Mosquito bite to beat all mosquito bites

alrighty this is a bit odd , i was bitten by a mosquito (i think) just the night before last, it started out as a typical mosquito bite, an itchy rediish bump on the back of my leg just above the heel, well it got more and more swollen yesterday to where the area covered a good four inches and the middle was very red and tender, as of THIS morning the middle is beat red with some almost purple areas and very hard to the touch, it feels almost leather in the middle, right in the center is a spot that looks like a white head but pushing on it does not result in it secretting anything (i dont dare pinch or squeeze it very hard though its bad enough already) the area around it now is about 6 inches up and dopwn and 4 inches side to side where it is spotty red, looks like a rashi guess but ive never had a rash before so i dont know, that part of my leg is noticably but not grossly swollen and it itches ALOT, theres some pain when i walk, feels like the irritation is into the muscle.
i know its a little over the top to be concerned about a mosquito bite but ive never seen one have such extreme results, i usually swell up more then the average person but not like this! should o go to a doctor? is this very abnorma? how do i know if its infected?
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You need to be seen by a dotor right away. Does it have a "bullseye" appearance? I'd go to the ER
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Are you sure it was a mosquito?  If so, bite could be infected.  If not sure, is it possible you were bitten by something else, like a spider?

I'd say go to ER to be evaluated, just in case.
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My Granddaughter get bitten by something that creates big bags of clear liquid,some big as a pencil erasor,could anyone tell me what this is?
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I don't know what the solution is but I have the same problem
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