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Over the past 2-3 months I have been getting itchy bumps. They look like bug bites but I am not sure.  The first ones appeared after sleeping so I brought in the experts to check for bed bugs and they found no sign of them and suggested it could have been a spider. Few weeks later, I get bit again--in about the same spot! (lower back above waste band). Now I was thinking I might have mites since the place I was living at at the time had mice. I have since moved and just got 3 more bites (seemingly all at once) during the evening sitting on my brand new couch. So I moved, got new furniture, but seem to have taken something mysterious with me. I can't see what is biting me (we have had exterminators look, we looked ourselves for bed bugs at 3 am with flashlights and saw nothing at all that would suggest the little critters) Does anyone have any suggestions?
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98010 tn?1305899735
I'm not sure if this is the same thing or not, but my son kept getting myserious bug bites too.  These bites always seemed to occur while he was sleeping and looked just like mosquito bites.  We too have exterminators come regularly to spray, but it didn't seem to stop the bugs from biting.  We even bought a new mattress and new bedding, but that didn't help either.  Then I took him to the pediatrician who recommended setting one of those bug bombs off in his room and buying a mattress cover to totally enclose the mattress (and smother the bugs?).  We have done both and so far the bugs have stopped biting.  It still remains a mystery for us, but we are just thankful the biting has stopped.  Hope this helps.
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i have heard that bed bugs come from the carpet and wallpaper/paint that you have on your walls (something with the adhesive.) try googling for bed bugs and it should bring up a widespread thing about them and probably how to get rid of them.  

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