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Insect Bites

While on vacation I woke up to find that I had what appeared to be about 10 mosquito bites all over my arms and legs.  It was strange because I was the only person in my family to develop these.  I bought some anti-itch cream and put it all over my body. I reapplied often to soothe the itching.  The next day again I found 10-15 new bites all over my arms and legs.  As you can imagine it was extremely irritating.  This is when I assumed it was an allergic reaction to some sort of insect bite because nobody else in the family was getting them.  The bumps were now merging together to form bigger bumps.  I took Benadryl and found that only hours later the big bumps started to shrink and I thought that in a few days they would be gone. The next day however, it only got worse.  I now sit here typing with about 3, very itchy bumbs, the size of golf balls on my arms and legs with many other smaller ones spread all over my body.  I have developed a few on my back and front but thankfully, none have yet reached my face neck or shoulders.  The bumps are both red and white and are waking me up at 3 in the morning just so I can apply an enormous amount of anti-itch cream to my body.  I am scheduled for a doctor appointment today, but I was wondering if anybody had heard of this before.

Thank You
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What happended with your doctor visit?  Is this really from mosquitoes?
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I've heard of the bumps merging into one big one before. I suffer from what is pretty nuch chronic hives. I break out into this patch of itchy bumps that only get worse when scratched and as the bumps expand they'll merge with neighboring ones. I used to get them everywhere but they've calmed down somewhat and I usually only break out on my forearms now, mostly right after I've washed vegetables.

If what you have is indeed hives, hives are an allergic reaction to something- food, medicine, atmospheric, animal, etc. I never did figure what I was initially allergic too (I've been to doctors). However, years after I started getting them , I was stung by a bee (my third bee sting) and broke out in hives everywhere (I mean everywhere. i even had then on my face, and I'd never gotten them before). So, I have an allergy to bees as well as whatever initially caused my hives.
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did you consider bedbugs? they are making a comeback...
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