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Environmental Allergies

Since moving to the coast, my allergies have gotten much worse. I have Oral lichen Planus & it has really erupted. I know it is the moist moldy environment. Any suggestions? Sister
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179332 tn?1273247359
Is there an oral antifungal you can take for the lichen planus?
Do you see an allergist? You may need to get into some sort
of allergy treatment if you are going to be living in an environment that
produces the lichen planus...

Keep us posted!
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Something that should really improve your condition is cleaner air. You say that you live in a moldy moist environment. The best thing you can do is take care of the water that is coming into your home, blast the mold with ozone (while you're not home), and once you know that everything is staying dry you should then install a whole house filter to take care of the particles that are in your air. Indoor air doesn't have the ability to flow out and then become fresh air, it has to be filtered so that it becomes good again.

I'd suggest a Polarized Media Filter with a UV light for your type of air, simply because mold is such a problem that it's possible for the particles to slip past the filter. But if it does, the UV light would neutralize the spore so that it wouldn't do any harm. This should take care of both your smell and it going into your lungs and causing your reaction.

The best place to look for these items is at www.airlifeone.com. You'd want the Electrobreeze brand Polarized Media Filter with a UV light. But you'd want this after you take care of the water problem.

Hope this helps.
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My doctor said I had a virus. For months it never went away. Luckily I have a great dentist and he said it was Oral Lichen Planus and that it's an autoimmune disease.

He said a patient of his had it very bad, with skin peeling on her lips and mouth, and that the B vitamin Folic Acid cured it. I take 400mg with a mulit-B vitamin two times a day. I just started taking it a week ago and it's much better already. I also used over the counter benzocaine spray when it got swollen or painful. I stay away from steroids and antibiotics as they cause serious Candidiasis (Google it).

Good luck!
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You need to consult your dermatologist or skin specialist and not try to self treat your condition.

Having a look at the lesions and a proper clinical evaluation is essential before a confirmed diagnosis can be established  and treatment started accordingly.

Let us know what your dermatologist advises and if you have any doubts.

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